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How To Make Your Property Secure

How To Make Your Property Secure?

Property secure in 2012, there were more than 2.1 million reported burglaries in the United States. According to the FBI, this happens every 15 seconds, making it easier for thieves to break into. But before you get into the security system, take a good look at your home. A few simple, inexpensive or costly measures will help prevent thieves from focusing on your home.

“The purpose of home security is to prevent burglars,” said Chris McGoey, an independent security officer in the Los Angeles area. 90% of the work.

Choose the coming weekend and complete these fourteen strategies — from saving jobs, free jobs to engagement programs, to cheaper deals — to improve the safety of your home.

1. Have a family meeting

Improve home security with armed guard and get everyone in the family – including children – to agree on a process that should include these simple rules:

  • Use the door and window locks. It costs nothing and consumes very little energy. Get the habit of locking any doors and windows when you go out, when you enter, and before you go to bed.
  • Do not open the door for uninvited or unwelcome guests.
  • Close and lock the garage door.
  • Protect your home even as you work around the house and yard.
  • Always use your alarm system, even if you are traveling fast to the store or to your next neighbor. (Learn about important insurance contract procedures.)

2. Call emergency or police

Many local police departments offer free home inspections. A police officer will come into your home and recommend simple, cheap repairs to promote safety. Other than this, call the security guard in the Bay Area for extraordinary home protection service.

3. Organize a theft

Here is a fun and rewarding exercise for you and your neighbor or trusted friend: As your neighbor walks around your house for three minutes, find as many useful things as possible, remove them from your home. Let ersatz thieves show that it is easy to find something useful. Then hide them from the real thieves. That could mean buying less storage space, renting a non-site storage space, or storing jewelry and money in the wrong place. You can give back to your neighbors.

4. Remove the “hidden” home key

The key is under the lock, in the mailbox, under the stone – everyone is hiding the house key. The problem is that the thieves know where you are hiding. Or, hand it over to a trusted neighbor.

5. Place your keys and garage remote in the safe place

Do not leave the car keys on the house with eye controls near the door or to be seen indoors. Store them in a cabinet or drawer to hide them. Make sure you have hired unarmed guard to help you with the protection of your home.

6. Add security signs

Security office signs or window stickers at every door – whether you have a security system or not. Maybe you have a stamp / sticker of a previous contract with a security company on hand, or you can get some from your friend. Also, put some “caution for dogs” in a visible area, such as in front of the house or at the back door.

7. Lock the ladder

Do not store ladders outside. Robbers, perhaps as craftsmen or contractors, could use it to gain access to secondary windows or balconies.

Read more: Changes In Social Security Everyone Should Be Aware Of

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